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Friday 26 October 2012

Stop Binge Eating With Hypnosis and NLP

How to Stop Binge Eating With Hypnosis and NLP

Every sufferer of this condition wants to stop binge eating whether they are conscious of this or not. The personal ramifications of leading a secret life and planning all activities around food leads to desperate unhappiness in sufferers. Binge eaters consume vast quantities of food and many admit it costs them dearly, both personally and in their relationships. Being stuck on the endless cycle of binging then dieting destroys relationships both with themselves, with family and friends and seriously affects their social life.

Binge eaters create habits around food that dominate their lives and keep them stuck in this destructive cycle. For example, many conceal their eating and throw away the evidence to hide their habits from others, such as disposing of food wrappers in different places. Some pretend to be on their mobile phones when ordering enough food for a whole group of people, when really, it's all for them. Many know the quiet places to visit where their binge session won't be disturbed or witnessed by others.
These are the external manifestations of a very serious illness. Internally, binge eaters feel out of control. Using food like a drug, they eat to numb uncomfortable feelings such as sadness, loneliness or anger. However, most emotions lead to a binge. They can eat vast quantities when they're ill or bored, to while away the hours or to procrastinate. Even positive emotions like happiness or excitement can lead to a binge with many using food to celebrate.

Food rules their world. Sufferers think about it continually except when consuming it and often have set times of day when they binge.

Luckily there is an end to this nightmare. Many sufferers have found great success through hypnosis and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). The benefits are manifold. Those with this condition gain a healthy relationship with food, never feeling guilt or shame around it again. After hypnosis many report they do not fear food and instead enjoy it because it no longer dominates each waking hour. They become leaner, healthier and happier as a result. They can control their eating habits, feel good about themselves and enjoy food for the source of nutrition it is.

After treatment, ex-binge eaters find they have the mental freedom to pursue life ambitions and goals whereas before, food had absorbed all their mental energy. Socially they benefit by going to parties and restaurants without fear. They maintain their weight loss and feel fitter and healthier as a result. They find they can eat like happy, lean and healthy people do by retraining themselves through hypnosis and NLP. In taking the steps to stop binge eating, they gain an immense amount of freedom from obsessing over food, releasing them to finally get on with their lives.

Debbie Williams invites you to claim your free EBook 'The 7 mistakes binge eaters and bulimics make keeping them trapped forever '

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