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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Binge Eater or Bulimic? How to Enjoy Parties and Events Without Binging

I've been asked many times how to cope with food at weddings, parties, buffets and nights out and how to not binge, over-eat, or starve before the day in an attempt to gain some control over food.
I fully understand these feelings, as I've felt that way myself in the past. So I want to share how I deal with these type of events, because I now feel very different in a positive way and the fear which I lived with for such a long time is no longer there.
As it's coming up to my wedding and I want to look the best I can, I have been eating more healthily. I feel connected with my body and as the saying goes "You are what you eat", consciously I've been adding more salad, fruit and vegetable based dishes to my diet (by diet I mean the day to day foods I choose to eat and not 'diet' in the restrictive "I must lose weight" sense).
Planning what I am going to eat during the day is a simple, but very effective way of controlling what I eat and helps to keep me on track. This can be done in your mind, but I find that writing the plan down is better for me as it is a visual reminder and prompt for what I have planned to eat during that day.
I'm lazy, so I spend time in the Marks and Spencer's and Waitrose's salad departments buying delights such as Moroccan style fruit couscous with honey and orange dressing, Avocado with balsamic vinegar and Greek salad with mint. It's been a wonderful adventure with a variety of new tastes and combinations of delicious foods - something that I really enjoy.
However, I have a plan and I make one of these salads a meal in itself (they vary between 150 calories to 400 calories). Having a selection in the fridge to choose from helps, as I eat the meal that appeals to me at that time. Alternatively, I do my own stir-fry, or steamed vegetables with chilli gravy, or curry sauce. When I'm hungry between meals I have fruit e.g. it is useful to have things like grapes to snack on, or bananas if I want something more filling. Occasionally I will eat a small amount of chocolate as a treat, or even some of my partners chips on Friday, but I emphasise these are occasional treats. In fact as I get more and more into healthy eating, these type of treats become less attractive as I start to feel the positive benefits of healthy eating.
My goal was to learn to eat as a lean, healthy, happy person does and over time I have mastered those habits which naturally replace less resourceful ones. It has also enabled me to teach my clients and delegates on my weight loss, or lean for life courses, the same strategies too.
In the days coming up to an event if I want my tummy to be as flat as possible I've found that using the ready made salads is the better option, as I tend to make bigger meals for myself. I also use the 20 minute rule, which means that after I have eaten, if I want some more food I can have it, but I must wait 20 minutes first. What happens is that after 20 minutes, my tummy has had time to tell my brain "this is enough" and thereby results in a feeling of satisfaction.
I also have another strategy to ensure that I don't go to the fridge to eat a second salad, or other food. With this strategy I give myself the choice to have more food if I want, but ask myself if I do "How will it feel over time"?' This connects to the times when I've overeaten and not felt good and stops me from having more.
With regard to attending events, I remind myself ''It's just one meal", or "it's just one day". I will also tell myself that "if I have a strategy I will get through the event easily and enjoy it as I'm supposed to''!
Now there's a thought!
I tell my clients "Let the food go, it's NOT about the food, it really isn't important. Don't let it spoil your day, your event and your life".
I know at a buffet I'm likely to eat more because there will be different, interesting, more heavier, fattier, sweeter foods that I will want to try. Here is what I do;
I make the decision I can have what I want. If there is a selection and I think I want it all, I look at each item and ask myself what is a 10 out of 10 item here? My mind responds "that's an 8 and that is a 7, but that is a 10" etc. Only foods that are above 9 out of 10 go on my plate, thereby limiting what I eat, but also ensuring that I get the maximum enjoyment from my food.
Doing this over time and at different events, noticing as I taste each food, my mind sometimes tells me "this is not a 10 at all, it tastes awful" which helps refine my decision making process in the future.
I have not done a specific hypnosis recording on getting through events of this type, but I might do in the future.
In the days after an event, I go back to eating light, healthy food (with a written plan) and I find that my weight balances itself out naturally.
The strategies mentioned in this article are included in Debbie Williams 'Lean for Life' hypnosis recording which also contains many more tips and strategies on how to become a lean, healthy and happy person. Please follow the link here for more information.

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