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Friday 2 November 2012

Food Phobias and Picky Eating Habits in Adults

Food Phobias and Picky Eating Habits in Adults

Adult food phobias are exactly that - adults who are either terrified of eating certain types of food or who are fussy and picky around food. This prevents a balanced diet and therefore has enormous future health implications.
Selective eating is common in children and adolescents who are naturally picky about what they eat but then grow out of this in adulthood. However, some do not overcome this stage. Fussy eating continues with more extreme phobias around certain foods developing, seriously affecting relationships and causing conflicts and anxiety. A family outing to a restaurant or a romantic evening out becomes a major event and can be stressful for the sufferer who is surrounded by foods they're deeply uncomfortable with.
Health professionals have concluded that phobias around certain foods stem not so much from memories or trauma, but from an incident. The phobia or fussiness is then linked to the sight, taste, smell and texture of the food in question, like gagging on a cracker for example. From this incident a fear of choking could manifest from eating anything dry or crunchy. Some sufferers start having irrational cleanliness issues with how food is prepared.
Often conventional treatments don't work with sufferers pleading with doctors to help them. The condition has been linked with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and as such, cognitive behavioural therapy is used. However, a large amount of those with food phobias have found huge success with hypnotherapy and NLP (neuro linguistic programming).
Seeing a hypnotherapist or listening to a professional recording written specially for this condition has helped adults break free from their phobias and lead normal lives again. Interestingly with this type of therapy, usually only one session is needed but sufferers can listen to the hypnotherapy recording as much as is needed to gain benefit. The therapy works by reprogramming the mind and is therefore very deep and effective. NLP is like finding the owner's guide to your brain and therefore holds endless possibilities for improving the life of sufferers of this condition.
Hypnotherapy and NLP work from the inside out by making changes in the subconscious mind, so, after the session (usually only one session is needed), sufferers are attracted to the whole range of foods on offer and not just restricted to the unhealthy handful the phobia allows.
Those suffering from adult food phobias who are worried about their health, sick of friends laughing at their strange condition, who want freedom from gagging on certain foods and who are tired of their restricted diet, have found benefit by using hypnotherapy and NLP

Friday 26 October 2012

Stop Binge Eating With Hypnosis and NLP

How to Stop Binge Eating With Hypnosis and NLP

Every sufferer of this condition wants to stop binge eating whether they are conscious of this or not. The personal ramifications of leading a secret life and planning all activities around food leads to desperate unhappiness in sufferers. Binge eaters consume vast quantities of food and many admit it costs them dearly, both personally and in their relationships. Being stuck on the endless cycle of binging then dieting destroys relationships both with themselves, with family and friends and seriously affects their social life.

Binge eaters create habits around food that dominate their lives and keep them stuck in this destructive cycle. For example, many conceal their eating and throw away the evidence to hide their habits from others, such as disposing of food wrappers in different places. Some pretend to be on their mobile phones when ordering enough food for a whole group of people, when really, it's all for them. Many know the quiet places to visit where their binge session won't be disturbed or witnessed by others.
These are the external manifestations of a very serious illness. Internally, binge eaters feel out of control. Using food like a drug, they eat to numb uncomfortable feelings such as sadness, loneliness or anger. However, most emotions lead to a binge. They can eat vast quantities when they're ill or bored, to while away the hours or to procrastinate. Even positive emotions like happiness or excitement can lead to a binge with many using food to celebrate.

Food rules their world. Sufferers think about it continually except when consuming it and often have set times of day when they binge.

Luckily there is an end to this nightmare. Many sufferers have found great success through hypnosis and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). The benefits are manifold. Those with this condition gain a healthy relationship with food, never feeling guilt or shame around it again. After hypnosis many report they do not fear food and instead enjoy it because it no longer dominates each waking hour. They become leaner, healthier and happier as a result. They can control their eating habits, feel good about themselves and enjoy food for the source of nutrition it is.

After treatment, ex-binge eaters find they have the mental freedom to pursue life ambitions and goals whereas before, food had absorbed all their mental energy. Socially they benefit by going to parties and restaurants without fear. They maintain their weight loss and feel fitter and healthier as a result. They find they can eat like happy, lean and healthy people do by retraining themselves through hypnosis and NLP. In taking the steps to stop binge eating, they gain an immense amount of freedom from obsessing over food, releasing them to finally get on with their lives.

Debbie Williams invites you to claim your free EBook 'The 7 mistakes binge eaters and bulimics make keeping them trapped forever '

Monday 13 August 2012

Tips to Help Overcome Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating (Part One)

1. I want to be lean, healthy and happy!

Binge eaters and bulimics have a 'fat' mentality. They think thoughts like "I don't want to be fat", or "I don't want to binge any more". However, if you're seeking to help stop bulimia or binging, thoughts like these won't help you and here's why.

The more you focus on not becoming fat or not binge eating, the more you do it. Why? Because that's what you're focusing on. You see fatness and binging in your imagination and then it takes effort to remove these thoughts from your mind.

It's like trying not to think of a piece of cake or a pizza. See! There it is in your mind's eye. When you are consistently thinking "I don't want to be fat" or "I don't want to binge eat" your brain has to process the thought with associated feelings and images first before anything else. It has to work harder on something you don't want anyway.

So instead, how about setting a goal such as, "I want to be lean, healthy and happy". Visualise yourself as someone who glows with these qualities. Add confidence in too. You don't have to see it clearly, just having a sense of it will be just as powerful. Your mind is now given very positive states to work towards and, it's what you really want. Thinking like this is one of the secrets to many sufferers' road to recovery.

2. Overcome Bulimia on your own, facilitated by hypnotherapy
Bulimics and binge eaters continually obsess about everything to do with food. Food rules your life, and it dominates every thought and decision you make. Ironically, you'll think about food continually except when you're actually eating it, right? You've lost touch with what it's like to eat normally. You have forgotten how to eat like a healthy person does. The obsessing takes over your life depriving you of healthy relationships with family and friends. Your whole social life is planned around food.

Training your unconscious mind using hypnosis will help to connect to the truth and wisdom within you to allow food to be pleasurable part of your life. This is where it belongs, not a pain that tortures you continuously. You can have freedom from food issues forever, just like many thousands of sufferers who have used hypnotherapy to help stop bulimia now and along with binge eating.

Debbie Williams invites you to claim your free EBook 'The 7 mistakes binge eaters and bulimics make keeping them trapped forever '

Bulimia Versus Binge Eating: It's the Same Thing, Isn't It? You Can Stop a Binge Right Now!

Bulimia versus Binge eating? What's the difference?

The only real difference between a bulimic and a binge eater is that the bulimic has a rule that they mustn't go over a certain weight, so use the process or purging as a method of maintaining their weight. A bulimic usually only allows themselves to be ½ stone heavier than their perceived ideal weight, although to them this isn't the weight they want to be, they dream of being their perfect weight but are stuck on the binge-eating and bulimic merry-go-round and can't break free.

With bulimia its difficult to connect to the end wretched feeling of how it feels over time once the feeding frenzied behaviour has stopped, then the unpleasantness they have to go through to get rid of all the food is the next step in the process for the bulimic to endure.

The dots are never joined up with the first thought triggered in the mind, lets have a binge. At first it seems like a good idea to be able to eat anything and then sick it up but then, like an addiction it takes over so now the person is compelled to follow the bulimic behaviour of overeating then purging - they have no choice. With all the guilt disappointment and misery that accompany it, it does nothing for the persons Self Esteem.

Contrary to popular belief even people with high Self Esteem end up stuck in the binging cycle which then can lower their esteem especially if they find themselves taking food back out of the garbage to eat or other unsavoury behaviours.

The initial pleasurable thought of ''Let's have a binge'' with the internal movie of how brilliant this will be in this instant to have all the yummy food that they never allow themselves to have when they are trying to be ''Good'' of course all of this is an incomplete picture, and until they can break this cycle of only seeing the initial enjoyment up front of the idea of gorging on all the food that they would normally deny themselves, then this behaviour with all it's unpleasantness is set to continue again and again.

They have totally disconnected with how it feels to feel bloated in the overstuffed phase then the pain of purging it all out. Like a drug addict they don't connect with the come-down afterwards upfront, in fact it feels as powerful as any drug addiction does with much of the food chosen for a binge being highly processed sugary, starchy or fatty food, this also can unbalance the bodies delicate systems and knock everything out of kilter.

There are many ways to halt a binge, a simple phrase asked at the beginning of the idea to binge can help stop it in it's tracks, the phrase is ''How will it feel over time?'' or a longer version ''If I eat this now how will it feel over time and is it worth it?''

I recommend writing post it note (or even poster sized notes) and putting this question everywhere, especially on the fridge and on kitchen cupboards.What will happen is to begin with the person may still binge but the difference being is the consequences of that decision will slap them in their face immediately after the binge and help with the realization it wasn't all that good having to go through the pain of getting the food back out again afterwards therefore the next time their brain suggests ''have a binge'' they have the memory installed of the previous time of it not being worth it, this will help break this self-destructive cycle.

I have many more simple strategies that can help bulimic's and binge eaters to learn to eat like a lean healthy happy person does and finally be at peace with food and themselves.
The author too suffered from bulimia and binge eating for nearly 15 years and have been free of it for nearly 15 years now if you'd like to find out more please feel free to visit my website.

Debbie Williams
Debbie S Williams NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist and producer of self help hypnosis recordings and free tips booklets available from and
Debbie specializes in helping people with eating disorders and processing emotions that sometimes drive a compulsion to overeat.

Having been overweight herself as a child and then suffering from bulimia and binge eating for nearly 15 years she has been free for nearly 15 years now and has done it by studying meticulously what lean healthy happy people seem to be able to do naturally.
Debbie has turned the lessons she has learned into products where you can have the benefit of a therapy session for the fraction of the cost of a one to one.